
Books, Books, Books

With numerous snow days and winter cold keeping me indoors a bit more, I have been reading like crazy...since my last entry I finished Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill. Started out really creepy then entered into the realm of freaky supernatural tale of terror. Good stuff...i moved on from this novel to The Abstinence Teacher by Perrotta (author of Little Children). The Abstinence Teacher is a tale of love, teaching and Christian fundamentalists. Interesting read...a bit anti-climactic in comparison to Little Children. I then moved on to a pair of plays by Shakespeare...Hamlet and A Midsummer Night's Dream...two plays i have not read in my 30 years of life as a reader (oddly enough). Currently i am reading Duma Key by Stephen King and will post again upon reading this tome.

In reference to the earlier blog posts, my school also recently dealt with an issue of book censoring...


1 comment:

greg said...

You should also check out some of Stephen King's non-horror works such as the novella THE BODY...great writing from the POV of young adults....