No Time to Blog? Watch Less TV!
A few films for thought...
On a similar note, if you have a few minutes, my father made a two part movie about the family dog. My dad is in no way affiliated with the WNYWP, but I thought his film was pretty touching. Blitzer is about 12 years old and, unfortunately, quickly approaching death. He's blind and can't run as fast anymore, so my dad brought the video camera along for a walk around Cazenovia Golf Course. It's a walk they've done 2-3 times a week since Blitzer was a puppy, and my father narrates his walk with stories of their time together. It's sad and cathartic and, essentially, the reason we all write. So, if you have a chance, go on over and take a look. The films should be the two most recent posts titled "Caz Park" and "Part Deux Caz Park."
WNWYP Teen Writer at Sheas!

Saturdays At 10 - May Edition
Saturday, May 10, 2008
10am – Noon
Free and Open to the Public
Joel Malley will lead the program with WNYWP fellows who will demonstrate how they integrate various technologies with writing in their classrooms.
Technologies that will be demonstrated
Digital Video
Power Point
And much more
Where: Canisius College, Old Main Room 214
Refreshments will be served
To reserve your seat contact: Rosemary Evans @ the WNYWP Office 888-3134 or evansr@canisius.edu

Regents Learning Standards Review Initiative
I was about twenty minutes late (had to stop home to check email for any responses to my mass call for suggestions and then had to get gas), so I missed the opening statements by Robert Bennett and Donald Ogilvie.
The meeting was populated by English and ESL teachers and administrators from acros Western New York. Essentially, tables were asked to address the following three major areas and report back to the larger group after one hour (Taken from "Standards Review Initiative Public Forum Discussion Group Assignments"):
- ELA/ESL Standards Content and Substance. Considering the content and substance of the Standards and Performance Indicators, what do you recommend be kept? What do you recommend be dropped? What do you fell is missing? What needs to be updated and/or revised
- Organization and Format of the ELA/ESL Standards. Is the organization/format of the current Standards and Performance Indicators easy to understand by teachers and others? Does the current format and organization promote engagement by teachers and does this format make the Standards easily "usable" by students? What organization and format would you recommend be considered?
- Are the ELA/ESL Standards Measurable? How do you fell about the current ability of these Standards and Performance Indicators to be properly measured? Can student understanding or proficiency be measured through multiple assessment approaches? In your discussion, please address measurability of the Standards through local assessment measures, state assessments and classroom methods (observation, portfolio evaluation, etc.)
- there should be a prerecorded listening passage from the state to ensure consistency and fairness on the first task of the 11th grade Regents
- we should be integrating art instruction into ELA...(?)
- Abandon the exam altogether for portfolio assessment (combination of a few tables)
- the test is not process oriented, and that should be a 12 hour test. Everything we teach about writing must be thrown out the window to write under extreme timed conditions..."test of endurance more than skill"
- adopt an authentic, growth model of assessment
- especially for ESL and IEP kids...
- universal literacy indicators (mic from the other room cut out for that one...not too sure what they were talking about)
- ELA standards should be integrated into all content areas (echoed by two others...not too sure what that had to do with the question...maybe frustration over feeling responsible for having to teach writing for all content areas?)
- Increased specificity regarding year to year progression, benchmarks, etc. One table said, to great applause, that the standards are hard to read and a more user friendly matrices showing introduction, proficiency, and mastery of individual PI's and literacy competencies would be...appreciated. Also, track kids year to year based on these matrices
- More tech - reflect the real world. Get rid of handwriting and institute keyboarding early on (hallelujah), ditch friendly letter and work on email, etc. Integrate digital text/multimedia composition
- Less PI's
- Literacy Competencies to help guide 9-12, as they cut off after 8th grade
- tasks should match the standards
One more important note. They also attached a sheet titled "Standards Review Working Principles" Here's the text (man I wish my scanner was hooked up, lol).
Through this comprehensive standards review initiative, we will:So, I don't know, what do you think? Anything noteworthy here, or more of the same?
1. Include three levels of standards:
a. Student standards (content)
b. Teacher standards; and
c. System standards (infrastructure)
2. Develop a single set of standards for each content area, although some students may need different levels of support or scaffolding to achieve the learning outcomes (e.g. struggling learners, English language learners, students with disabilities).
3. Infuse literacy throughout all the content areas.
4. Infuse cultural competence throughout all the content areas.
5. Develop the measurable standards.
6. Review PreK-12 standards within the context of a seamless p-16 continuum.
7. Integrate technology throughout all the content areas.
Growing Nationwide, Writing Problem
NYS Learning Standards

On Thursday, I have the opportunity to go over to the Erie 1 BOCES for a town meeting of sorts. Bob Bennett will be there along with other members of the State Education Department, and they will be gathering ideas as they start the process of reviewing the ELA standards. So, as there are quite a few English teachers who are WNYWP fellows, I thought I'd solicit some ideas. Undoubtedly, I'll see some of you there.
What improvements would you like to see in the ELA standards? What gets too much attention? What gets too little? What is outdated? What needs updating?Please add your thoughts in the comment section of this post.
- Joel
WNY Writing Project Goes to Washington
However, we did experience the democratic process first hand. We met with Senator Clinton's and Senator Schumer's education aides. We missed meeting with Congresswoman Slaughter by one day, but we did talk wi
And with that, despite the swollen feet and sore leg muscles, we felt welcomed, valued and a part of the process.
This seems like a fun, yet thematically fun activity which could be useful in most classroom content areas. Since I'm an English teacher, here's my attempt (made with Skitch, the awesomest[sic] and easiest to use drawing, screen capturing, and sharing tool around):

April 19th Saturdays at 10

Congrats Krista!
Not On the Test
Found this linked on a discussion at We-blogged. Here's Tom Chapin's site. Hee hee.
Chapin shares this on his website:
Why this song?
As a kid who grew up in NYC, I am a great fan of America’s public education. I attended P.S. 46 in Greenwich Village, then P. S. 8 in Brooklyn Heights, then on to Brooklyn Technical High School and S.U.N.Y. Plattsburgh.
And now, as a father and a grandfather, I so appreciate the tough job that faces every teacher. I believe they need all the help they can get: anything that excites a student, opens their eyes, and hearts and minds is a positive that makes a child invest in school.
Music, art, drama and sports - these are what kept me involved when I was in school. And these very things, that make a teacher’s (and student’s) job easier and more rewarding, are what’s been cut from curriculums across the country.
Now we are teaching by rote again - where the test, and only the test, becomes the reason to teach and study.
It’s no secret that American industry has outsourced most factory jobs to other countries to take advantage of cheaper labor costs. So why are we putting so much effort into a form of education in which there is no creativity? This is the time that our youth should be taught to think ”out of the box,” not be put into a tighter one!
This is the larger context that John Forster and I wanted to address in a satirical song for NPR’s “Morning Edition.”
25% of Nation's 12th Graders Proficient Writers

“Overall, American students’ writing skills are deteriorating,” said Will Fitzhugh, the founder of Concord Review, a journal published in Massachusetts that features history research papers written by high school students. He expressed skepticism that the national assessment accurately measured students’ overall writing skills because, he said, it only tests their ability to write very brief essays jotted out in half an hour...Mr. Fitzhugh cited findings of a 2006 survey of college professors, in which a large majority said they thought most high school graduates came to college with limited writing skills.
I'm not familiar with Fitzhugh or the the Concord Review, but this again raises some very important questions. In your opinion, are writing skills deteriorating? In what ways? Is there there is enough (or any)communication between college professors and high school teachers? Between businesses and high school teachers? How can improvement be made?